The color scheme that makes up a visual theme is defined through scss variables.
If you do not want to change colors and use the default blue theme, you do not have to do anything, as the basic theme is included in the framework and you only have to import its CSS in the angular.json
If you want to change the theme colors, your Angular project must be configured with support for sass
Create a file in your client at src/themes/theme.scss
, for example, with these overridden variables:
@forward 'theme.forward' with (
$aocPrimaryColor: #dfdfec,
$aocPrimaryLightColor: #f6f6f9,
$aocPrimaryDarkColor: #b6b6d3,
$aocPrimaryAccentColor: #ffcaa8,
$aocInputFocusBorderColor: #ffaa00,
$aocInputFocusBoxShadowColor: #ffd980,
$aocAppBackgroundColor: #fefeff
Add it in your angular.json
file, in styles
in the first position.
Create another file called src/themes/theme.forward.scss
, this file loads the variables and then loads all the scss code of the framework:
@forward "../../node_modules/@atlantis-of-code/aoc-client/aoc-design/misc/variables/variables";
@use 'sass:meta';
@include meta.load-css("../../node_modules/@atlantis-of-code/aoc-client/aoc-design/aoc.scss");
Complete example at quest-client/src/theme
Please note, browse Issues and Discussions in Github for more information